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Gimme that old time corruption

There’s an old-fashioned seemliness, a southern comfort of sorts, about this story out of Virginny, where a powerful member of an appropriations committee in that state’s General Assembly “helped obtain a $500,000 budget amendment for [Old Dominion University], knowing that the university planned to hire him for the job the budget amendment was to pay for.”

Yes, buy your job! Appropriate the money and become a real live professor with it! Hell, write an email instructing an administrator at the university on how much you expect to be paid:

“Currently my part-time salary with the Newport News Public School system is around $37,000. I need at least that amount from the ODU Foundation to have a part-time salary of $75,000 per year. Of course, more than that is always appreciated.”

Margaret Soltan, January 6, 2011 3:34AM
Posted in: professors

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2 Responses to “Gimme that old time corruption”

  1. theprofessor Says:

    Old hat in this state. The Virginia politicos need to remember to demand jobs for family members too.

  2. DM Says:

    On at least one occasion, I’ve reviewed a project where one of the beneficiaries was mentioned as a possible external reviewer.

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