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If you don’t like laptops, ban them from your classrooms.

Otherwise, you risk losing your temper.

Margaret Soltan, April 1, 2011 2:26AM
Posted in: technolust

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2 Responses to “If you don’t like laptops, ban them from your classrooms.”

  1. dmf Says:

    more evidence of the vanishing authoritas of profs (as with MDs, judges, clergy, etc) along with syllabi that look more and more like car-rental contracts, without systemic/administrative standards these things get tend to get personal (or at least become matters of personalities) but administrators have clearly sided with the consumers.
    we are all adrift in the gossip-reality-world now…

  2. ricki Says:

    I have heard of someone being asked to remove a “no cell phones” policy from her syllabus (thank God it’s not at my school or I’d be seriously considering drafting a letter of resignation), because banning cell phones is “not student friendly.”

    They’re not even considering whether it’s friendly or not for the OTHER students to have to listen to their classmates gabbing during class time. (I have a student who complains bitterly about another prof who permits laptop use – one student in the class watches YouTube videos during class with the sound on.)

    Eventually, college is just going to become an elaborate daycare. Sounds like some are there already.

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