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The SUNY System’s Patronage Arm…

… known as the Research Foundation, has long been an object of investigation for misuse of funds and general disorganization. And now one particular thing the Foundation recently did with its money has become a big local story: It gave bunches of it to the daughter of an important state politician, but it didn’t ask to her do anything to earn it.

The state’s ethics commission on Friday charged the president of the research foundation of the State University of New York, John J. O’Connor, with giving a no-show job to the daughter of the former Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno.

Bruno’s since been found guilty of federal fraud (not for this; for all sorts of other things); and his daughter has quit her sinecure. But it’s good to remind ourselves that using universities as dumping grounds for politicians and their beloveds is not merely a folkway of America’s deep south.

Margaret Soltan, May 15, 2011 3:11AM
Posted in: the university

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