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“We raised our children to live their lives,” Pat Hamilton said. “He was very, very happy to be there, and he was so excited.”

The mother of a Purdue University student who died of heatstroke in the forests of Grand Cayman Island last week recalls his passion for reptiles. “We’ll find comfort in that, as upset as we are.”

Rescue crews had enormous difficulty reaching him.

The rescue attempt included fire and ambulance workers trekking through about two miles of bush land while carrying stretchers and other equipment to reach the man, who was believed to be suffering from hyperthermia (heat stroke). The bush was so thick that emergency vehicles could not be driven into the area.

Medical personnel stabilised the man while the Royal Cayman Islands Police helicopter was called out to attempt to pick him up.

One problem: Nowhere to land.

So firefighters used machetes and a chainsaw to clear trees and bush to create an area large enough for the chopper to touch down. The man was then carried to the helicopter to be transported to hospital.

Margaret Soltan, June 7, 2011 9:38AM
Posted in: STUDENTS

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