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NCAA: Running on Empty

The fact that the high school football talk has gone on unfettered for the better part of six months with nary a public response/rebuke from the NCAA is unimaginable. The fact that ESPN is very publicly braying about high school prospects is unconscionable — but not nearly as unconscionable as the NCAA allowing this discussion half a year after it should’ve been shutdown to continue on.

He’s talking about the humongous new network deal between the University of Texas and ESPN. Programming will include “high school football games in the state of Texas,” which is to say that the Longhorn Network will televise “potential football recruits on a television network dedicated to a single university.” It would seem to give the University of Texas an unfair advantage.

[I]f televising potential in-state — and specifically targeted out-of-state — recruits on your own television network is not a violation, how could The Association ever again look any school in the eyes in the future and accuse them of doing something illicit in gaining an advantage in recruiting?

The writer seems shocked that the NCAA hasn’t done anything; but here’s UD‘s theory. Although it does nothing to stem big-time university sports corruption, the NCAA is the busiest organization in the world. It’s like tax season at the IRS there every single day. They have simply run out of staff.

Margaret Soltan, July 20, 2011 5:40PM
Posted in: sport

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One Response to “NCAA: Running on Empty”

  1. dmf Says:

    that hornedgod network is going to be like your nightmares come true as they begin to use it for distance learning as well as sports broadcasts, two great tastes…

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