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Sadly, these stories of gunmen spotted on university campuses are quite common lately.

Here’s one in UD‘s neighborhood – a couple of hours ago, police announced that a man with a rifle was seen on the campus of Georgetown University Law Center.

Many of these stories turn out to be false. People saw something, but it turned out not to be a person with a weapon. Some, of course, turn out to be all too true.


They’ve already called off the search.

On the other hand, here’s a nice urban detail for you:

In the process of their search, the police did find a gun near a tree close to campus, but they determined it was unconnected with the incident.

Margaret Soltan, September 30, 2011 2:02PM
Posted in: headline of the day

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2 Responses to “Sadly, these stories of gunmen spotted on university campuses are quite common lately.”

  1. Michael Tinkler Says:

    Some lawyers need some shootin’

    Oooh – pardon me. I’m channeling something I watched on TMC lately.

    But you know, it isn’t SUCH bad advice. Would they be better lawyers, better people, if they had to run a gauntlet to get to graduation?

  2. Van L. Hayhow Says:

    Speaking of guns on campus, it appears that the lady who was the last defendant in the Harvard murder case plead out the other day for three years to serve. She was a couple of weeks from graduation when her boyfriend murdered someone on the campus and she helped him flee to New York.

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