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Spanier and Paterno Both Out. Now.

None of this nonsense about finishing out the season.

Penn State finally gets serious.

Margaret Soltan, November 9, 2011 10:37PM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to “Spanier and Paterno Both Out. Now.”

  1. Michael Tinkler Says:

    If *I* were on the board, I’d have thought about firing Spanier for that necktie. But then my motto has always been “representational art, abstract clothing.”

  2. superdestroyer Says:

    My guess is that whoever is hired to be the next football coach will fire all of the current assistant coaches and bring in an entirely new staff.

    I has always found it odd that the media never speculates that one of the reasons that Paterno hung on so long is because he had family members on the payroll. I wonder what his son will do now for a job.

    I also suspect that more administrators will lose their job. Penn State will have to get rid of every administration who can be asked the famous question: What did you now and when did you know it?

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