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“When she moved to Rock Island in 2008, fresh out of graduate school, she looked for a house within a mile of campus so she could mostly walk to work. The plaid jumper she is wearing this day was sewn by her mother, and her cream-colored blouse came from a second-hand shop, she says, her eyes shining and her smile bright.”

Excellent, excellent.

But she should be more frugal with A’s.

Margaret Soltan, November 22, 2011 1:09PM
Posted in: professors

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One Response to ““When she moved to Rock Island in 2008, fresh out of graduate school, she looked for a house within a mile of campus so she could mostly walk to work. The plaid jumper she is wearing this day was sewn by her mother, and her cream-colored blouse came from a second-hand shop, she says, her eyes shining and her smile bright.””

  1. AJ Says:

    It’s reassuring to see some one who self-identifies as Christian not pimping for “clean coal” or “Drill, baby, drill!”

    Rock Island, Illinois is Ronald Reagan’s old stomping grounds. I think that’s where he had a life guard job as a teenager and where he got started in radio after college.

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