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Craig needs to read…

this. His priorities are totally screwed up. “Shirtless Boys” Mead will set him straight.


A commenter on Craig Long’s article in the Iowa State paper says:

Want to know where this funding is going? Here’s a clue.

Every time an athlete sustains a minor injury they wrap the limb in an ice pack and plastic to hold it. Look closer and you see that the plastic has the Iowa State logo plastered on it.

Seriously? Iowa State plastic wrap? Tuition gets raised and athletes still need their Iowa State plastic wrap?

Again, what the commenter needs to understand is (quoting Mead here):

It is about competition, drama, intensity, about hope and fear, collective celebrations or collective disasters, seared into young and impressionable hearts where they will never be forgotten — and where they will be annually renewed as each sport in its season produces new highs and lows, new hopes and fears. Alumni watching their schools’ games on TV, or celebrating or mourning their schools’ results each week with friends, family and colleagues are renewing their ties with their alma maters affirming that being an “Aggie” or a “Tar Heel” is an identity, not a line on the resume.

You don’t sear things into people without searing things into people. Without ink from the Iowa State logo literally bleeding into the athletes’ flesh, they and the people around them will never achieve an identity with the school so total, so intense, that it will bond them fiercely to it every day of their lives.

Margaret Soltan, December 5, 2011 11:21AM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to “Craig needs to read…”

  1. Stephen Karlson Says:

    The reporter might want to investigate further, perhaps the maker of medical tape has purchased endorsement rights … there’s quite the industry (the most visible part being shoe contracts, but look at the swooshes on jerseys, and then look closely at racing cars) in becoming Official Provider to the Northern Illinois Huskies or Green Bay Packers or what have you. Perhaps professors ought to look into selling laptop-use rights or Sharpie endorsements, either for the satire value or to supplement their incomes.

  2. Shane Street Says:


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