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Lawyers and JPs will have to ask women wearing burqas to show their faces before witnessing their signatures under tough new laws in New South Wales.

Asking a woman to show her face for a moment so you can verify her identity? This is a “tough” new law?

Margaret Soltan, March 4, 2012 7:28AM
Posted in: democracy

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One Response to “Tyranny!”

  1. Farah Says:

    While my immediate reaction is to agree with you, it occurs to me that there are many other means of identifying people these days.

    I am one of those people who can be described awfully easily: I am 5′ 3″ with red hair and green eyes. One of the things that this has taught me is how easily described people who tend to stand out can be very easily confused with other people who happen to answer to the same description but who also easily stand out. One friend of mine spent her first year in London constantly being asked if she was me by people who had only seen a photo/heard a description. Now, if she was asked to give a signature….

    So the signature might actually be the better ID than the looks.

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