Under withering attack from much of the faculty (“In our view [Hogan] lacks the values, commitments, management style, ethics, and even manners, needed to lead this university, and his presidency should be ended at the earliest opportunity.” Ouch.), Michael Hogan has announced his resignation.
UD thanks Wendy.
March 23rd, 2012 at 2:06AM
“Some outside observers said Hogan’s could make hiring a quality replacement for Easter difficult.”
It all depends on how one defines quality.
We learned something after the ‘clout admissions scandal’. Most of the UofI’s BoT resigned, so did Prez White, simultaneously Katehi departed from Champaign-Urbana and took her current position at UC-Davis. UC didn’t balk or attempt to rescind the job offer they had made to Katehi.
At UofI the administrators still have the capacity for shame. The same cannot be said for the UC.
March 23rd, 2012 at 8:43AM