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‘Ridpath said his presentation tonight will feature data and examples of universities that made the same claims CSU’s boosters are touting, including the idea that a successful athletics program serves as the “front porch” of a university. “Most college athletic programs lose money. Most universities that build new stadiums end up worse off,” he said.’

UD‘s friend Dave Ridpath dreams the impossible dream by going to Colorado State University (site of some recent national sports news) and pointing out that building a new on-campus stadium when they already have an off-campus one is stupid.

Ridpath tonight is set to speak at a forum organized by opponents of an on-campus stadium. Skeptics argue CSU already has a perfectly decent facility in the 32,500-seat Hughes Stadium west of the city.

Ridpath said he was “dum[b]founded” when he heard CSU was considering building a new stadium. He said athletic success and student engagement aren’t linked directly to facilities, and he predicted that even if a new stadium is privately financed, costs for students will inevitably rise.

They’ll build it, of course; but Dave is in there trying.

Margaret Soltan, April 13, 2012 11:40AM
Posted in: Sport, sport

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  1. University Diaries » Dave Ridpath keeps fighting the good fight… Says:

    […] (background here), but he’ll lose. Colorado State University’s on-campus stadium will be built. It […]

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