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Does not compute.

A Forbes writer looks at educational priorities in Florida.

[The University of Florida’s] budget has suffered a 30 percent cutback over the last six years while [President Bernie] Machen and his cronies fiddled. At the same time, Machen threw two big thumbs up to UF’s athletic department when it received a $2 million increase from last year, for a total budget of $99 million, according to The Gainesville Sun.

That’s correct: dismantling the computer and information science department will save the university $1.7 million, while the athletic department receives an additional $2 million.

Margaret Soltan, April 23, 2012 7:48AM
Posted in: sport

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One Response to “Does not compute.”

  1. Mike S. Says:

    Fortunately this act of calling out of Rick Scott, his policies, cronies and legacy appears in Forbes. Voices “on the right”/”in the business community” are acknowledging that they have created a monster, one which they can no longer control.

    The same thing can be said for the Fortune piece on the incompetence of Pfizer’s top executives and board. You can only lie, cheat and steal so much before it’s indisputably bad for business.

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