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‘[M]ore than a third of a new book for law students on how to write papers properly was plagiarised, including liberal smatterings from Wikipedia. Fittingly, even the chapter on plagiarism was plagiarised.’

“The book was swiftly removed from the shelves and the authors vowed to find the culprits.”

Yes, it’s a mad mad mad mad mad mad world when it comes to plagiarism. Find the culprits? “[O]ne must wonder what the role of the people listed as authors is, if they did not actually write the book themselves.”


“Living?” said Villiers’ Axël. “Our servants will do that for us.

Writing? say the plagiarists that this poor overworked woman tracks. Our servants will do that for us.

Margaret Soltan, July 25, 2012 3:42AM
Posted in: plagiarism

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One Response to “‘[M]ore than a third of a new book for law students on how to write papers properly was plagiarised, including liberal smatterings from Wikipedia. Fittingly, even the chapter on plagiarism was plagiarised.’”

  1. Sean O Says:

    ..chapter on plagiarism was plagiarized.

    Pretty ballzy.

    How does a smart ass keep up?

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