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St John’s University: Clown School

2010 was quite a year for St John’s University.

First there was this guy, St. John’s 2008 Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award winner. So proud was he of this achievement that he wore a big red sweatshirt emblazoned with ST JOHN’S UNIVERSITY to his first TARP fraud court appearance.

Then the dean of their Asian studies school and vp of international affairs had the following federal charges brought against her:

She faces a 10-count indictment including bribery, forced labor [of graduate students] and tax charges. The most serious charge, forced labor, carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

The mainstream as well as tabloid press is going to town over Cecilia Chang, an out of control person who has already imploded in court, testifying (against legal advice) on her own behalf.

Margaret Soltan, November 6, 2012 5:01AM
Posted in: kind of a little weird

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2 Responses to “St John’s University: Clown School”

  1. University Diaries » Jack, a UD reader, tells UD that… Says:

    […] Chang, the former dean at St. John’s University who has been on trial in New York (background here), has hanged […]

  2. Van L. Hayhow Says:

    Not all federal prosecutors let white collar defendants surrender, but often they will just have them picked up by the FBI or other agency. So it is possible that he was picked up while watching tv and happened to be wearing that sweatshirt. I must say, though, it is a proud day for St Johns.

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