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University of Wisconsin Green Bay to Scholar-Athletes: RUN ‘TIL YOU SHIT

Whatever happened to the American university? Once a quiet setting for serious thought, it’s become a shrieking sado-masochistic bedlam, captured most recently by this now-notorious SNL sketch, but really – as our latest perverted campus demonstrates – beyond parody. How do you parody a coach who reportedly made a player who felt unwell keep running in the team “boot camp” until the player lost control of his bowels? Who routinely called the same player a faggot and a pussy? Who “encouraged him to violate his religious beliefs by having sex with a girl in order to improve his play”?

Rest assured that Coach Brian Wardle makes pretty much the highest salary on campus, so the university is doing all it can to encourage his technique. If he’s made to leave, it will likely cost the university tons in buyout money.

How did things get so unspeakably sordid?

Big-time sports.

Margaret Soltan, April 30, 2013 9:49PM
Posted in: sport

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