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The American University: Current Trends

In the age of technology and mass media, HD televisions are closer to the “real thing” than ever, and more games are available on television than ever before. Some universities, such as Michigan State, Georgia and even Alabama have noticed a disturbing trend of fans leaving games early to renew their “buzz” and watch from the comfort of their own home. The sale of alcohol could be a preventative course of action for this problem.

Margaret Soltan, June 28, 2013 8:02AM
Posted in: sport

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4 Responses to “The American University: Current Trends”

  1. dmf Says:


  2. charlie Says:

    Well, if your team sucks, you might as well get drunk.

  3. Michael Tinkler Says:

    They should have to check their keys at the gate!

  4. JND Says:

    Why is this a disturbing trend? The “university” has already ripped me off for the ticket and for parking. By leaving early I make it possible for it to hire fewer cops to harass me driving home. What am I missing here?

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