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UD’s been predicting this for some time.

Tressel will be the first of many. Given current circumstances, nothing is more logical than handing the presidency of many of our universities to football coaches.

Margaret Soltan, August 21, 2013 12:56PM
Posted in: sport

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One Response to “UD’s been predicting this for some time.”

  1. charlie Says:

    Tressel is currently VP for Student Success at the University of Akron. That means students are paying a former football coach, who has no academic background, for a bullshit job in academic administration, because, according to U Of Akron functionaries, their students are too stupid to know how to be successful, whatever the hell that means. Yet, somehow, gained admission. At this point, the only really intelligent people are the ones who know a scam when they see one and don’t go to college.

    Yes, UD, you have been saying this for some time. I thought that universities could never become so depraved that they would actually become parodies of themselves. Man, was I wrong…

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