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American heroes.


Reported instances of players on BCS teams who were arrested in 2012 — an average of 16 per month. The SEC led all conferences in arrests with 42, followed by the Big 12 with 37. Fewer than a quarter of the 197 arrests resulted in players being kicked off their teams. Only one player was arrested more than once and wasn’t dismissed from his team or suspended for at least a game. Florida State running back James Wilder Jr. Wilder has been arrested three times, and has yet to miss a game. He has played in both Florida State games this season.

Margaret Soltan, September 17, 2013 2:11PM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to “American heroes.”

  1. charlie Says:

    The SEC received something close to $4 billion for broadcast rights for their games. Unless the players push busloads of orphans and nuns in front of oncoming trains, that kind of money makes them exempt from most everything.

    Keep in mind something else. A few years ago, the University of Florida shut down its Computer Science department, claiming it was done in order to save approximately $1.4 million. As that was taking place, UF jacked up the budget for football over $2 million. The outcry from academia, which can be summed as, “What the fuck were you thinking?,” was so great, that the school rescinded that decision. But what does it say about current university administrations which believe that CFball >>>>>>> academics?

  2. MattF Says:

    The borderline and not-so-borderline criminality in college football reminds me of what happened in boxing– Mike Tyson was famous, I guess… but after him, the sport died. Even Clint Eastwood had to admit that– Million Dollar Baby was a fine movie, but it was an au revior to boxing.

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