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“[I]t seems increasingly likely that intercollegiate athletics, as it is now structured, is an unsustainable proposition.”

The University of North Carolina research paper heard ’round the world has hit England, and some BBC snob has the gall to tell us that we can’t sustain our university football model.

The notion that participants in major college sports are still “scholar-athletes” becomes more and more difficult to defend with each new revelation from schools like UNC.

Add in the mounting scientific evidence that high-contact sports like US football can cause long-term brain damage, and it seems increasingly likely that intercollegiate athletics, as it is now structured, is an unsustainable proposition.

Oh really? Really? You don’t think the United States can sustain an entire nation of universities full of absolutely bogus students and a corrupt faculty to go with them?

Just watch us.

Margaret Soltan, March 31, 2014 1:51PM
Posted in: sport

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