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Think of the tax breaks that made all of this possible.

The report also recalled former S.C. State Board Chairman Jonathan Pinson, who viewed an Atlanta Falcons football game in a $5,000 suite. Half the cost was paid by an S.C. State vendor and half by an S.C. State foundation, according to the report. Pinson has since been convicted of federal corruption charges in connection with other activities at the university and separate business deals.

Margaret Soltan, July 10, 2014 9:03AM
Posted in: trustees trashing the place

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3 Responses to “Think of the tax breaks that made all of this possible.”

  1. Jack/OH Says:

    Whoever’s the luckless SOB to take over at S. C. State better be prepared to toss the whole place. Financial audit, performance audit, detailed employee evaluations, etc. Why? Corruption may be “polynodal” (my fancified term for “‘everyone’s’ in on the action”).

    When Mr. Big gets prosecuted, the low-level purchasing guy working a minor kickback scheme will feel the heat’s off, and will have no incentive to stop.

  2. Michael Tinkler Says:

    The purchasing guys don’t need any encouragement. We had one involuntarily separated separation this summer.

  3. Jack/OH Says:

    Michael, thanks for the uplift!:)

    The most recent theft at our local Podunk Tech was apparently (not yet tried) committed by an admin assistant in a one-man department (how was that position created?) who went personal shopping with the university credit card to the tune of low five figures.

    A theft of union funds was discovered when a new union treasurer was left a note by the previous treasurer saying there’s a $20 thousand shortage because she needed the money to pay personal bills. (I wish I were making this up.)

    (BTW-thanks for teaching Latin. I had my one year under Miss Macchione, before Latin was dropped. I have a Liddell-Scott from an adult project I had to learn a bit of classical Greek. I’m one of those who thinks the classics, poetry, literature, etc. are important for practical reasons: perspective, judgment, substantive knowledge, technical skill, etc.)

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