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Wretched West Virginia University, Party School Supreme…

… has fallen even lower. Despite plying its students with beer at the football stadium, it’s suffering a significant drop in ticket sales. Wonder why? Must be because they haven’t partied the place up enough. (UD has long recommended, given the amazing love of opioids in that state, that WVU athletics offer fans Oxycontin.)

To make matters worse, the local public radio station recently featured a professor at WVU who gave it hell for deciding to spend seventy-five million on an upgrade for its rapidly emptying stadium. WVU’s athletic director came right back at him with the following argument:

There is no argument that West Virginia University’s first responsibility is to provide the best and broadest educational experience possible for its students. It is the first part of our land-grant mission of teaching, research and service.

For many current and potential students, high-quality intercollegiate athletics are a key part of that experience.

In what way is football part – a key part – of an educational experience? Answer: It isn’t. More and more WVU students seem to realize that. But even as attendance tanks, WVU spends all its money on its football stadium.

Wretched, wretched WVU.

Margaret Soltan, July 11, 2014 7:43AM
Posted in: sport

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One Response to “Wretched West Virginia University, Party School Supreme…”

  1. john Says:

    watch him closely. one hand holds “education”.
    if you’re not careful some slight of hand (or tongue) will take it away and put “educational experience” down on the table in its stead.
    and tell you nothing was lost.

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