No. I’m sure there’s worse to come.
Throwing stones at eight year old girls while calling them whores.
Stabbing openly gay people.
Things are escalating.
I wonder what’s next.
Clarity about the madness.
But the writer focuses only on a certain sick rhetorical strain in his form of religion. One also needs to reckon with the fact of a political class that appeases madmen in order to stay in power.
The entire Orthodox community is responsible for this attack when it cultivates a culture of hatred toward fellow Jews…
It’s time to take the country back from those who would not be averse to a theologically-driven, ISIS-like Jewish state.
It’s probably too late. Israel has let itself be run into the ground by hugely growing numbers of religious fanatics for whom things like Supreme Courts are a joke. Look at the ultra-orthodox demographics. These people – and the children whom they are, despite the existence of a mandatory national curriculum, keeping in ignorance – are the future of Israel. And they deny the legitimacy of the Jewish state. A most Kafkaesque outcome.
August 1st, 2015 at 10:12AM
closer to home;
always tricky trying to conserve the “old” ways…