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Random Stupid Sports Shit

… [US Rep. George] Holding and the rest of North Carolina’s congressional delegation have said little about the UNC scandal, which experts say is the worst academic scandal they’ve seen in NCAA history.

Asked in early 2014 about the scandal, Holding declined to comment through a spokesperson.

… Holding said Wednesday that Congress is too broken to fix the issues in college sports that have landed the state’s flagship campus in a major academic scandal.

“Congress is broken, we have a lot on our plate,” Holding, a Raleigh Republican, said in a visit to The News & Observer’s offices. “If we can’t fix the things that are solidly within our jurisdiction I have a hard time believing that we can figure out how to fix college sports.”

Hey yeah y’all leave it be we’re too broken to take on anything as awesome as fixing college sports we’re just tryin’ to get the lilac trimmed on this here Capitol building…


My opinion is that the [new Vikings] stadium is going quite a bit over budget in order to fulfill everything the team wants out of the building.

Sid Hartman, Minnesota Star Tribune.

Margaret Soltan, August 6, 2015 12:38PM
Posted in: sport

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One Response to “Random Stupid Sports Shit”

  1. dmf Says:

    I can appreciate that trying to fix college sports is harder than say negotiating with Iran

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