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“‘My friends and I were talking, how can he easily get this AR-15? He had no criminal history, but he definitely had some psychological issues,’ he said of Ivanov. ‘We didn’t think gun control was that important until now.'”

When you’re nineteen and you live in America and you’re bummed out about a breakup, you can mosey on down the lane and buy an AR-15 and blow away your ex plus a couple of random people in her vicinity. The shooter was about to be a sophomore at the University of Washington.

Margaret Soltan, July 30, 2016 10:32PM
Posted in: guns

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One Response to ““‘My friends and I were talking, how can he easily get this AR-15? He had no criminal history, but he definitely had some psychological issues,’ he said of Ivanov. ‘We didn’t think gun control was that important until now.'””

  1. dmf Says:

    our inability/unwillingness to counter the NRA is tragic but we don’t have good (scientific and reliable) ways of diagnosing psychiatric conditions and really shouldn’t rush to cast these kinds of nets into our population, at the RNC convention the Code Pink ladies found out that tennis balls were on the banned list (and confiscated by the police) as people wandered around with AR-15s so seems there are more obvious (and less threatening to civil liberties) angles to pursue. I have been pleasantly surprised by the numbers of police chiefs, sheriffs, and jailers who are coming out to say that law enforcement isn’t the best way to deal with illness/disability but I doubt if they are getting much support for this yet.

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