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Another scummy tax syphon bites the dust.

Read Good Riddance by David Halperin. ‘Tis all ye need to know.

Margaret Soltan, September 6, 2016 2:25PM
Posted in: CLICK-THRU U.

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8 Responses to “Another scummy tax syphon bites the dust.”

  1. dmf Says:

    those last two points of his are the key, follow the money and shut off the taps.


  2. JackOH Says:

    Meanwhile, our newspaper reported this morning the local owner of a very large McDonald’s franchise will receive an honorary degree from our not-for-profit Podunk Tech.

    The franchise owner was quoted in the paper as being honored to receive the degree, and he noted he’d employed thousands of Podunk Tech GRADUATES (emphasis mine). Somehow, I want to believe that’s a misquote.

  3. theprofessor Says:

    What would you call a college with a 9% graduation/certificate completion rate?

    Our local nonprofit community college.

    Oh, but they’re all transferring to 4-years!

    Actually, under 15% transfer anywhere, and there is dead silence when it comes to discussion of their success rate at other places.

  4. dmf Says:

    the prof, indeed the idea that all (or most) people will get degrees in higher-ed that will lead to related employment is a serious mistake in terms of understanding the learning capacities( a good deal of which is all too often failed by poor developmental environs) of most folks (as is the assumption that they have jobs waiting for them requiring such degrees/education). community colleges are swamped with kids who didn’t get much of an education from their public educational systems and end up mired down in remedial ed classes if they make it to campus and have little to no supports for time/energy for schoolwork, but what does any of this have to do with outright fraud?


  5. theprofessor Says:

    DMF, our local community college advertises (heavily, I might add) that its degrees and certificates are essentially a pipeline direct to the workforce. Some of the features they tout are true–for example, small class sizes. They are limited to 20 to 25. One of my offspring attended this CC and consistently reported that by the end of the semester, 50-75% had dropped. Mysteriously enough, large numbers of drops occur around the time Pell checks arrive. The coursework is not a joke, but the idea that the courses equate to what we do here in what is supposed to be the same course IS a joke. They cover 2/3 of the material. The academic advising that is promised is a joke–think “make an appointment three weeks ahead of time for someone who neither knows you nor can deal with anything other than a handful of standardized tracks.”

    And the “straight to workforce” BS–nope, not for my program-completing offspring.

    There is plenty of misrepresentation and outright fraud enablement going on in higher education. By all means, let justice roll like a mighty river–but let’s not build dykes around some and not others.

  6. dmf Says:

    that sounds like classes in all too many state and private 4yr schools (and not a few grad programs including professional schools), the mad scramble to try and keep butts in the seats (and the unfortunate older turn of ag&tech land-grant schools in liberal arts factories) against demographic/economic trends is everywhere.
    I’m all for ever more accountability (and less student debt!) but the line between incompetence and fraud is worth holding onto.

  7. Van L. Hayhow Says:

    There is an interesting article about this on Boston.com this morning.

  8. JackOH Says:

    Below is a comment under an ITT-related article from a guy who worked in student loan collections:

    “I worked for a student loan collection agency and I received bonuses far exceeding what I collected because the Obama adminstration was making up the rules as we went along. They allow the student to rehab the loan based upon income and we would receive a fee based upon the size of the loan not the size of payments taken, that isn’t how other collection agencies operate.

    For example, if the student has no income they would let you take 9 payments of 5 dollars and the company would receive thousands of dollars in credit. In an honest world, it wouldn’t have been worth my bother to call this person as the phone call wouldn’t justify my salary.”

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