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This iambic pentameter is TOTALLY Wallace Stevens.

Moons can have moons and they are called moonmoons.


Autumn Refrain

The skreak and skritter of evening gone
And grackles gone and sorrows of the sun,
The sorrows of sun, too, gone . . . the moon and moon,
The yellow moon of words about the nightingale
In measureless measures, not a bird for me
But the name of a bird and the name of a nameless air
I have never ā€“ shall never hear. And yet beneath

The stillness of everything gone, and being still,
Being and sitting still, something resides,
Some skreaking and skrittering residuum,
And grates these evasions of the nightingale
Though I have never ā€“ shall never hear that bird.
And the stillness is in the key, all of it is,
The stillness is all in the key of that desolate sound.


If you’d like more poetic thought on the moon, the full moon, and nothing but the moon, there’s also T S Eliot’s Rhapsody on a Windy Night (for full depressive effect, listen to Jeremy Irons or Tom O’Bedlam recite this poem), and Sylvia Plath’s The Moon and the Yew Tree (go here for UD‘s analysis of the Plath).

Theme of them all? Shall we sum it up?


Margaret Soltan, October 11, 2018 12:58PM
Posted in: poem

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  1. Knots Landing « Log24 Says:

    […] related quote, courtesy of University Diaries […]

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