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Why does Greek football still exist?

Years of the most gruesome violence, game after game, have reduced increasing numbers of matches to quickly suspended exercises in riot control. The visiting morons who continue to march into Greece to play – who even allow their children to march into Greece to play – are “shocked” when eighty thugs blast into a stadium and beat up their kids in the stands because… because… because the Greeks never do this sort of thing!

You might have thought a team owner ambling onto the field during a big televised match and waving his loaded pistol at an official who displeased him might have signaled to the Greek state that the game … needed a pause. You might have thought the fact that no one is able to police the event at all would instigate a moment or two of withdrawal and contemplation.

UD‘s suspicion is that the Greek government is working on a plan whereby that country’s substantial violent minority is at it were herded into stadiums and allowed to torch property and bloody people to its heart’s content, thereby keeping the streets reasonably safe.

Soccer reduced to repressive desublimation is an intriguing short-term approach to a homicidal population; but

  1. it won’t work for long; and
  2. death rates inside the stadiums are going to go wild.

I mean, in its outlines it’s a reasonable plan, but it needs tweaking. UD‘s suggestion to the Greek government: Build hundreds more stadiums and turn them into fun concentration camps where disarmed fascist gangs are held in comfortable cells during the night and then let loose during the day to storm the fields and rip each other to shreds. Light meals will be provided.

Margaret Soltan, October 25, 2019 5:31AM
Posted in: sport

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One Response to “Why does Greek football still exist?”

  1. University Diaries » ‘The most telling image was a family running away from the brawl and one of the little children not even wearing his Atlas jersey. Queretaro ultras got so wild that they would even dare hurting a child for wearing the oppo Says:

    […] riots are an old story – the ones I cover are mainly in Europe – with the only wrinkle being an ongoing escalation of the slaughter. It’s also mildly […]

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