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As evangelicals and white Catholics begin to leave, Trump retains only one totally secure voting bloc:

Our old friends, the haredim.

Those who closely track the politics and culture of the Hasidic community speculate that one reason that Trump has gained popularity among some of its members is very specific to the way Hasidic life is organized. For generations, the ultra-Orthodox religion and communities have been structured around a strong central leader, a rebbe or rabbi, who controls nearly all aspects of their life.

“How we operate on a daily life is to follow a certain rabbi and be inspired by him and do whatever he orders without questioning him,” says [Jacob] Kornbluh.

Trump represents a similar type of leader, who promises plenty of great solutions if the country just follows his example. Explanations of how, exactly, he’ll achieve those solutions come later. (See: “Make America Great Again”). These similarities between Trump and the rebbe style of leadership could be “why a lot of Orthodox Jews are inspired by him without questioning what he says or what his views on certain issues are,” said Kornbluh.

America’s poorest, least educated, most cultic minority will vote for Trump in huge numbers this November. The rebbe will make sure of that.

Margaret Soltan, June 5, 2020 10:27AM
Posted in: forms of religious experience

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