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“[A]dults buy a child a gun, oversee their child’s training to use it and leave the gun where it is readily accessible… [They] conceal the child’s access to the gun from school officials, who warn them he is having vivid, violent fantasies, and then insist to those officials that he remain at school.”

The parents have pleaded not guilty to four counts of involuntary manslaughter and remain in jail, each unable to post a $500,000 bond. They face as many as 15 years in prison on each count.

Joyce Vance reviews the charges against the parents of one of our hundreds of school shooters; she devoutly hopes both parents get thrown in the slammer for a very long time.

UD‘s not sure she agrees with Vance that jailing depraved parents will discourage other depraved parents from arming their psychotic little ones. Depraved is depraved: If you love love love guns and violence and gore you’re going to do your thing with your kiddies whatever the cost. Think of Nancy Lanza. Her adoration of large and powerful weaponry all over the house rivaled even that of her mad murderer. I don’t think she would have been put off by some jail time.

However, in terms of sheer justice, let’s all hope the shooter’s disgusting parents are found guilty.

Margaret Soltan, February 8, 2022 7:04PM
Posted in: guns

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