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‘In Hasidic boys’ schools, some teachers regularly smack, slap and kick their students… During religious study, we found that rabbis hit students with rulers, belts and sticks wrapped in electrical tape, sometimes for minor misbehavior. For example, many recent graduates described being hit for not pointing their finger at the word being read aloud by the rabbi. In the past, Hasidic classrooms were more brutal environments. Recently, some schools have asked teachers to be less violent in disciplining students. But we found that more “mild” corporal punishment remains very common. Virtually all of the dozens of parents we interviewed said their sons had been hit at least once. Several said they had sought to protect their children by “tipping” their teachers, usually about $100 a year.’

Aint dat nice. A spiritual protection racket. We fallen-away Jews have so much to learn from the real Jews.

Margaret Soltan, September 15, 2022 6:19PM
Posted in: forms of religious experience

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