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Here at the bay, the night sky blasts out at you as soon as you step from your door at three AM.

There’s a meteor shower tonight, but we didn’t see any meteors.

The fisherman at the end of the pier – clearly rather spooked by our apparition – indeed reported having seen shooting stars in the jeweled sky, “but only a few.” In each hand he held a large rockfish. Was he fishing illegally off the hotel’s pier in the wee hours? Is that why we spooked him?

Orion is so blatantly obvious that even ol’ UD had no trouble finding it.

We lay flat on white lounges on the small beach, wrapped in many layers, and looked for Orionids. Just behind us lay enormous flat fallow fields that stretched to the edge of the bay. Absolute silence and stillness, ground and sky, surrounded us. We saw no satellites, and no jets.

Margaret Soltan, October 22, 2022 2:41AM
Posted in: snapshots from the Chesapeake

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