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‘Ryan Lynch, a second-year student on the trip, told Philadelphia TV station KYW the suspect pulled out a gun as they arrived back and pushed one of the now-deceased football players, saying, “You guys are always messing with me.”’

“They just kept coming, more and more gunshots – just wouldn’t stop,” Lynch said, adding the gunman then “just sort of walked or skipped off the bus.”

(Probably stopped because he ran out of bullets.)


So here are some details. Apparently he didn’t even know the people he killed. He acted strangely throughout the trip and reportedly muttered crazy shit about video games as he shot up the bus.

So… sorry, but here you have clear evidence of concealed ownership of guns (weep for the people on that bus – no one thought it worthwhile to tell them they were traveling with someone who had a criminal past with guns), plus serious madness (his father knew he was a gun-toting angry paranoid and did nothing).

But of course it all went down in America, and you know how that goes.


UPDATE: Wednesday’s [court] hearing also revealed that Jones was charged and convicted of a reckless driving and hit and run in 2021 and had a concealed weapons charge the same year. He received suspended sentences for all of the offenses.

The list keeps getting longer.

Margaret Soltan, November 16, 2022 8:35AM
Posted in: guns

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One Response to “‘Ryan Lynch, a second-year student on the trip, told Philadelphia TV station KYW the suspect pulled out a gun as they arrived back and pushed one of the now-deceased football players, saying, “You guys are always messing with me.”’”

  1. University Diaries » ‘U-Va.had been aware of [Christopher] Jones before the shooting. A student had reported in September 2022 that Jones said he had a gun, and a threat-assessment team at the university had begun looking into him. That team Says:

    […] UVa acted too slowly. It was still futzing with Jones when he massacred fellow students, and settlements with families of the killed and injured were announced […]

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