It’s happening in all the let ’em die states:
[W]omen’s health specialists from states where abortion is criminalized are beginning to relocate to places like Washington state, which has strong abortion rights laws.
“[W]e are legally unable now,” explains an exiting Idaho doc, “to prevent harm to patients.”
Another: “This isn’t a safe place to practice medicine anymore.”
Not safe. Which has UD thinking along the following lines: With the removal of virtually all gun laws in some of these same states, we begin to see emerging what I guess these states have always wanted: The return of frontier life. Ain’t got no docs out here. Don’t need no docs. You’re on your own.
These same states tend to be, you know, also our big anti-vax states, our big anti-science states (schools should teach creationism, not evolution), our big anti-gay and (Idaho certainly!) our big anti-Jew/anti-black states, our big secession states… Obviously these attitudes aren’t out there everywhere in all of these places, but you can just see many maternal-death-before-abortion legislatures determined to rid their states of anything at all, say, associated with the Enlightenment.
It’s really queer, if I can transfer that term from gay provenance to, uh, the provinces. Radically queer.
March 14th, 2024 at 7:35AM
[…] in, for instance, Idaho, with utterly unrestricted gun laws and utterly restricted abortion laws. Ob/gyns are fleeing the state as fast as their legs can carry them. Let’s see how many female applicants find that […]