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‘One of the banned books is the award-winning And Tango Makes Three, a picture book depicting the true story of two male penguins at the Central Park Zoo who raised a baby penguin named Tango for whom the mother couldn’t care. The book’s challenger successfully asserted when arguing for removal that the book served an “LGBTQ agenda using penguins.”‘

Just when folks on the Escambia Florida school board thought they had solved their penguinal poofter problem, along come Penguin (the publishing house Penguin), PEN America, and a waddle of other perverts — to sue them!

Margaret Soltan, May 17, 2023 3:32PM
Posted in: kind of a little weird

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One Response to “‘One of the banned books is the award-winning And Tango Makes Three, a picture book depicting the true story of two male penguins at the Central Park Zoo who raised a baby penguin named Tango for whom the mother couldn’t care. The book’s challenger successfully asserted when arguing for removal that the book served an “LGBTQ agenda using penguins.”‘”

  1. University Diaries » The nestling stays in the picture! Says:

    […] can stay in the library … for now! As soon as another patron catches wind of the book’s panting homoeroticism, it’ll be whisked away again. So get it while you […]

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