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Stupid is as stupid does.

[Jon Gabriel recently wrote:] The Arizona GOP had less than $50,000 in cash reserves as of March 31. That’s not much money to fund crucial expenses such as rent, payroll, and campaign operations. Four years earlier, it had close to $770,000….  The party blew $300,000 on ‘legal consulting,’ much of which focused on overturning Trump’s 2020 defeat. All they have to show for it are a Democratic governor and U.S. Senate delegation... If they [Republican party bosses] waste their money on Cyber Ninjas and futile lawsuits, they can’t be shocked when donations dry up…

From 1995 until 2019, Arizona boasted not one, but two Republican senators. What is more, from 1991 until 2023, Republicans held the governorship for all but six years. And before 2020, the last time a Democrat won the state’s presidential election was 1996… [T]he shift toward electing Democrats has little to do with the notion that the state has somehow turned blue. It has much more to do with candidate quality and incompetent management by the state’s Republican Party… At one speech in 2022, [Kari] Lake literally told John McCain supporters to “get the hell out.” That didn’t work out so well for her—or Republicans.


Sweet, sweet words to UD‘s deep blue ears.

Margaret Soltan, July 11, 2023 4:22AM
Posted in: democracy

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