All top secret, you understand. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.
Yes, it’s more shit from incredibly shitty Georgia Tech, whose larcenous profs (and filthy dirty sports programs) continue, even after a long history of other larcenous profs, stealing from their grants and from the school with total abandon. Most recently, a conspiracy of profs who got CIA contracts spent YEARS stealing from everyone, and Georgia Tech just you know missed it. Or knew about it and let it go. The ringleader was a bigshot Head Scientist already found guilty of conflict of interest but fiddle dee dee let’s put him back in charge and see how it goes. COI. Big deal. We’re all boys here, boys will be boys, the dude draws big grants from big federal agencies, let’s go forward with him.
Schools with this many assholes over decades are either corrupt or totally out to lunch. Either way, Georgia Tech needs a new prez and a new board of trustees.