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“Who smiles when they say the line ‘steeped in the blood of patriots’?”

Jon Stewart weighs in on Katie Britt. But his rhetorical question shows that he just doesn’t get it. The sort of Christians Britt’s addressing smile with all their heart when they sing the words

There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins.
And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.

Anyone who, like UD, sits at her piano and sings through hymnals in which every other song delights in personal salvation through submersion in gobs of blood, knows that exulting when you use phrases like steeped in the blood is the Evangelical order of the day. Britt’s audience represents a decidedly sanguinary sanctuary.


Here’s a variant of the same clueless liberal problem. Paul Krugman thinks he’s mighty clever when he writes

The other day [Trump declared] “I will stop the killing, I will stop the bloodshed, I will end the agony of our people, the plunder of our cities, the sacking of our towns, the violation of our citizens and the conquest of our country.” Which towns and cities, exactly, have been sacked and plundered? Did Attila the Hun swing by for a visit while I wasn’t looking?

Same haha rhetorical question thing as Stewart’s. Same smug shock at over the top bloodiness.

Trump’s people are apocalyptic, guys. Its an ongoing battle between the blood of damnation and the blood of the redeemed. Attila the Hun didn’t swing by, but Lucifer did.

This language, from Britt and Trump and their preacher, isn’t lurid. It’s descriptive.

Margaret Soltan, March 12, 2024 11:48AM
Posted in: forms of religious experience

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