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‘One needn’t engage in endless debates about the nature of fascism to recognize corporatist Austrofascism [as defended by Adrian Vermeule and others] as a political vision that treated individuals as parts of a societal collective, assigned the state responsibility for directing the pursuit of happiness, and had the audacity to equate its repressive regulation of people’s lives with human flourishing. That such a vision is deeply inimical to America’s Constitutional tradition should be self-evident to every honest legal scholar.’

It’s The Audacity of Mope:

Lashing out against a world in which they are unhappy, [JD Vance, Patrick Deneen, and Adrian Vermeule] seek the sources of their discontent in an amorphous and carelessly defined liberalism.


Hungary under raving illiberal V. Orban is really the only place acid haters of liberalism can thrive.

I mean, they can analyze the sources of their gnawing misery forever; but at some point, shouldn’t they stop whining and act? Shouldn’t they want to model for their children a happy parent, who lives in alignment with his deepest values?

If you had a choice between moping about in a free liberal democracy or frolicking in fascism, wouldn’t you frolic?

Margaret Soltan, September 6, 2024 2:44PM
Posted in: forms of religious experience

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