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‘She told police her 15-year-old brother used her father’s silver handgun to shoot her parents, Mark and Sarah Humiston, her two brothers and sister to death Monday morning, suspecting his murderous rage came after he failed some tests at school and got into “ a lot of trouble.” [The murderer] was the only child who knew the combination to their father’s firearm lockbox.’

Well, you know what they say. Firearms in the home are far more likely to kill you than save your life by allowing you to kill an intruder. Here’s a rather blatant example – you grant your dumb fucked up 15 year old access to your weapons and watch him slaughter all of you cuz he reasons that the best way to deal with flunking a test is familicide.

Dumb? He tried to palm the massacre off on his younger brother, telling police the kid killed himself after blowing everyone away. Except that his head had ‘several’ holes in it.

Margaret Soltan, October 25, 2024 12:31AM
Posted in: guns

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