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There’s a mystery-element to any individual suicide, but in the aggregate they’re pretty unmysterious.

You can list the conditions likely to produce a lot of suicides, and you can then find places on earth which meet those conditions, and – ta-da – they’re going to have the world’s highest suicide rates. So let’s see:

  1. deracination, alienation, cultural identity crises
  2. alcoholism
  3. guns
  4. isolation
  5. cold weather
  6. macho autonomous stoic ethos
  7. suspicion of outside, therapeutic, government entities
  8. so many suicides that there’s a contagion effect

The more of these your location boasts, the more suicide we are likely to see.

And poor Greenland has them all. Here’s a long, thoughtful, piece about it.

Margaret Soltan, January 25, 2025 9:36AM
Posted in: suicide

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