$34 million in debt and no will.

Silly boy.


Scathing Online Schoolmarm, as you know, likes to single out instances of very good writing. Take a look at this.

The writer has managed to discipline his rage, to fight it down until it calms into precise and powerful prose.

That is, the rage still storms, but the writer has been able to channel effusion into eloquence. Like most people who write about Trump, he is at pains to find strong enough adjectives to express his disgust (insulting, repulsive, crass, vulgar, defiling, horrific, reckless), but, more importantly, in invoking the specific sacred nature of this section of Arlington Cemetery (the writer is a veteran of the wars in which these men died), he establishes a compelling opposition (sacred/profane; sacrificing/selfish) that he sustains throughout the piece.

The Trump Team: Yesterday, a Military Cemetery…

… today, an ice skating rink.

“US Army Issues Rare Statement Defending Arlington Employee ‘Unfairly Attacked’ By Trump Team”

The headlines keep coming for the Trigger Temper Trumpers.

UD suggests the following response: “Yeah we shoved ’em. But we didn’t shoot ’em. Cry babies! They can go to hell.”

“She can go to hell.”

WHY are Vance and Trump so irritable all the time?

Likeliest answer: They have too many children.

The Surgeon General has just issued an advisory.

“You know, so many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they’re people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children. And that really disorients me and it really disturbs me.” 

Sing it.

Disturbed again, perturbed again
The thought of those brainwashing pervs again
Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered am I

Cannot sleep and will not sleep
Disorientation — it makes me weep 
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I

Jesse Watters to the Rescue

“I’ve been thinking of voting for him again because Biden’s been so bad for the economy and Kamala won’t be any better. But after [attending a recent Trump speech], I’m actually afraid of Trump being president again. I don’t know what he was talking about half the time. Perhaps he was always like that but he seems worse, more unstable.”

Luckily, the Republicans have expert communicators like Jesse Watters to keep the doubters at bay.

The Future of An Illusion

Peter Wehner:

Public opposition to abortion is collapsing. Pro-life initiatives are being beaten even in very conservative states. The GOP has jettisoned its pro-life plank after having it in place for nearly a half century. And Trump himself is now saying he’d be great for “reproductive rights,” a position that pro-lifers have long insisted is a moral abomination.

This is not a surprise. Betrayal is a core character trait of Trump’s. He’s betrayed his wives, his mistresses, his friends, his business associates, people who have worked for him, and his country. There is no person and no cause he will not double-cross. The pro-life movement is only the latest thing to which he has been unfaithful, and it won’t be the last.

… How could an evangelical who claims to be passionately pro-life vote for a presidential candidate who now promises that his administration will “be great for women and their reproductive rights”? Especially when that person has cheated on his wives and on his taxes, paid hush money to porn stars, and been found liable of sexual assault?

… Much of the evangelical world has validated many of the worst indictments of the secular world. There are so many scandals, so much cynicism and hypocrisy, so much to grieve. Much of what evangelicals and fundamentalists have claimed to stand for, certainly in the realm of politics and culture, turns out to have been an affectation, an illusion.


So much to grieve?

Let me not be hypocritical: If you’re looking for grief about any of the above, find another blog.

Mohammed Said al-Sahhaf shares the great news about…

New College!

Cap’n Don

He drew his sword out of its scabbard

Then proudly he stood up and slabbered,

“Our Bobby’s repulsy

But nae like our Tulsi!

Come on, Dems! Prepare to be Gabbar’d!!”

‘They want to make Kiev safe for Pride parades.’

Trumpworld’s response to the latest sting of betrayal.

Trump Campaign Finds a Way to Donate to Kamala Harris.

‘Foo Fighters say they did not OK

Trump using “My Hero” at Arizona rally,

will donate royalties to Harris-Walz campaign

Another Don DeLillo Headline.

This one I’ll write myself.

17 year old who Assaulted his Mother

for Withholding her American Express Gold Card from him

goes on to Kill his Passenger in his Mother’s BMW X3M.

 ‘It’s like she handed him an AR-15,’ says Victim’s Mother


This one has it all. As you recall, the DeLillo headline must refer to at least three status markers (prior examples here), and this murder trial is absolutely bursting with them: Gold Card, $80,000 BMW, and the repeated invocation of the AR-15.

Edgar Allen Trump

I stand amid the roar

Of a self-tormented shore,

And I clasp within my coat

Little dwindled bits of votes—

How few! and how they slide

Through my fingers to the other side,

While I weep — while I weep!

O God! Can I not grasp

Them with a tighter clasp?

O God!  Call down the pricks

That slashed and burned on January 6!

Is all that we see or seem

A horrid dream within a dream?


I’m pissing myself over Tuesday’s debate

And I’m wondering now if it isn’t too late

To throw out some crap

To get the thing scrapped.

I know nothing, and there’s so much at stake.

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Dr. Bernard Carroll, known as the "conscience of psychiatry," contributed to various blogs, including Margaret Soltan's University Diaries, for which he sometimes wrote limericks under the name Adam.
New York Times

George Washington University English professor Margaret Soltan writes a blog called University Diaries, in which she decries the Twilight Zone-ish state our holy land’s institutes of higher ed find themselves in these days.
The Electron Pencil

It’s [UD's] intellectual honesty that makes her blog required reading.
Professor Mondo

There's always something delightful and thought intriguing to be found at Margaret Soltan's no-holds-barred, firebrand tinged blog about university life.

You can get your RDA of academic liars, cheats, and greedy frauds at University Diaries. All disciplines, plus athletics.
truffula, commenting at Historiann

Margaret Soltan at University Diaries blogs superbly and tirelessly about [university sports] corruption.

University Diaries. Hosted by Margaret Soltan, professor of English at George Washington University. Boy is she pissed — mostly about athletics and funding, the usual scandals — but also about distance learning and diploma mills. She likes poems too. And she sings.
Dissent: The Blog

[UD belittles] Mrs. Palin's degree in communications from the University of Idaho...
The Wall Street Journal

Professor Margaret Soltan, blogging at University Diaries... provide[s] an important voice that challenges the status quo.
Lee Skallerup Bessette, Inside Higher Education

[University Diaries offers] the kind of attention to detail in the use of language that makes reading worthwhile.
Sean Dorrance Kelly, Harvard University

Margaret Soltan's ire is a national treasure.
Roland Greene, Stanford University

The irrepressibly to-the-point Margaret Soltan...
Carlat Psychiatry Blog

Margaret Soltan, whose blog lords it over the rest of ours like a benevolent tyrant...
Perplexed with Narrow Passages

Margaret Soltan is no fan of college sports and her diatribes on the subject can be condescending and annoying. But she makes a good point here...
Outside the Beltway

From Margaret Soltan's excellent coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal comes this tip...
Money Law

University Diaries offers a long-running, focused, and extremely effective critique of the university as we know it.
Anthony Grafton, American Historical Association

The inimitable Margaret Soltan is, as usual, worth reading. ...
Medical Humanities Blog

I awake this morning to find that the excellent Margaret Soltan has linked here and thereby singlehandedly given [this blog] its heaviest traffic...
Ducks and Drakes

As Margaret Soltan, one of the best academic bloggers, points out, pressure is mounting ...
The Bitch Girls

Many of us bloggers worry that we don’t post enough to keep people’s interest: Margaret Soltan posts every day, and I more or less thought she was the gold standard.
Tenured Radical

University Diaries by Margaret Soltan is one of the best windows onto US university life that I know.
Mary Beard, A Don's Life

[University Diaries offers] a broad sense of what's going on in education today, framed by a passionate and knowledgeable reporter.
More magazine, Canada

If deity were an elected office, I would quit my job to get her on the ballot.
Notes of a Neophyte