Soon to be an everyday occurrence

LA Police Officers Shot During Traffic Stop With AR-15

Every July, the heart-stopping hibiscus.
‘”I finally agree with Donald: It would be a huge mistake to elect the oldest candidate in American history,” [Mary Trump] wrote, adding the hashtag “#KamalaHarris2024.”‘

With 81-year-old Biden stepping away, Donald Trump, at 78 years old, is now the oldest remaining presidential candidate.

‘In Pitkin County—home to Aspen—officials slashed the maximum new home from 15,000 to 9,250 square feet last November, noting that a big house raises “greenhouse gas emissions and increases environmental havoc.” Now, they are eyeing a further cut to 8,750 square feet.’

‘Builder Phil Kouffman warned more building restrictions could make living in East Hampton [NY] “impossible,”‘ and you can certainly see what he means when you consider this typical 9,000 square feet house.

You show me the family of midgets small enough to squeeze into this space. Impossible!

Big Daddy and the Long Hot Summer in Clay Alabam.

The city manager of lil ol Clay tells its library board what books it can and can’t buy, although the board is spozed to be a governing sort of thing. ‘[Even] small items like rugs must be approved by [the city manager] before being purchased for the library, “like we’re going to our daddy,'” says the board chair.

Now the city manager has decided that along with lezzies and the like, the library has to keep out …


UD anticipated this problem long ago, when some communities decided books bout jest bout anything should be censored. It don’t take a genius to know that once you open the I’M OFFENDED door you’re on your way to empty shelves.

But ain’t this point of the offense-taking ? Why the hell should our ignorant town have a library at all? “Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone,” says Lady Bracknell.

It’s getting harder to prostitute your mcmansion.

Basically it’s an empty whorehouse; might as well make money off whores.

But the coppers are on to you, bro!

Biden drops out.

‘Bout time.


What’s happening now with Joe Biden
Makes the other side think that it’s died and
Gone all up to heaven.
For 24/7
We’re watching Adventure Poseidon

There’ll always be a San Francisco.

… Phil Matier, a former political columnist at the San Francisco Chronicle, … asked all the [mayoral] candidates: Would you support criminal consequences for homelessness? 

Unsurprisingly, most candidates didn’t have a straight answer, and many tried to deflect the question. But the moderator pressed each until they gave their position. 

[Ahsha] Safaí deflected until the moderator had to jump in and ask him for a clear answer on whether he supported criminal consequences or not. Safaí could only offer “maybe,” which left the crowd laughing. 

Et tu, Barack?

The unseen but clearly felt presence of Mr. Obama in particular has brought a Shakespearean quality to the drama now playing out, given their eight-year partnership.

‘If one of your main lines of attack on Trump is his mendacity, it was probably not a great idea to tell the entire country that Biden was, in Joe Scarborough’s words, “far beyond cogent. In fact, I think he’s better than he’s ever been — intellectually, analytically…”’

UD has taken a break from MSNBC. Used to watch it all the time. Can’t anymore. I hope that will change.

The comment is from Andrew Sullivan.

O City city…

Our postmodern Waste Lands get all turned and twisted…

1] Nawlins don’t do gun control, and as things along those lines get even worse (concealed carry, blahblah) AND as murders remain astounding, the city’s gotta do some real thinkin bout how to keep the carnage to a reasonable level… Reasonable defined here as before the point at which local hospitals are so overwhelmed that the city’s gotta pay for the bloodied to be coptered out.

Now keep in mind that the state of Louisiana could give a shit about educating its people, so it takes a whole hell of a lot for it to, say, open a school. But lookee here – the city came up with a devilishly clever go ’round in response to the latest BIG GUNS FOR ALL legislation there.

The plan is to open a vocational-technical school in the Eighth District Police Station. According to state law, guns are prohibited within 1,000 feet of a school. Signage will alert visitors of the firearm-free zone.

IN. IN the police station. See what they did there? At least the cops will have a small measure of protection. And if the price is having to educate at least a small slice of the population, so be it.

2] It’s official. SF has declared that after almost a decade of massive, city-destroying, filth and crime, the time for compassion is over.

‘We have had to move from a compassionate city to a city of accountability, and I have been leading the efforts to ensure that we are addressing this issue differently than we have before,’ [the mayor] said on Thursday in a change of tack on the issue. 

‘We are going to be very aggressive and assertive in moving encampments which may even include criminal penalties,’ she explained, with the ‘sweeps’ scheduled to begin in less than two weeks once staff are retrained to follow new legal guidance.

Of course, aside from the fact that there’s nothing remotely compassionate about what SF has been doing all these years, I think the city will find that thousands of people who have long considered themselves owners of the city’s streets will not be very nice about the change of tack.

‘O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of her nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. She had won the victory over herself. She loved Big Brother.’

Er, not exactly. But color UD impressed by the soft-spoken thing Trump did for half of his convention speech.

‘How to Catch: Fly fishing by stripping a streamer with a baitfish pattern, or gear angling using deep-diving lures or vertical jigging in deeper water.’

UD enjoys reading articles featuring sentences that might as well be in Swahili.

More and more Dems worry that we are entering …

aging pope territory.

A scan of up to the minute news suggests Biden may soon drop out of the race.

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Dr. Bernard Carroll, known as the "conscience of psychiatry," contributed to various blogs, including Margaret Soltan's University Diaries, for which he sometimes wrote limericks under the name Adam.
New York Times

George Washington University English professor Margaret Soltan writes a blog called University Diaries, in which she decries the Twilight Zone-ish state our holy land’s institutes of higher ed find themselves in these days.
The Electron Pencil

It’s [UD's] intellectual honesty that makes her blog required reading.
Professor Mondo

There's always something delightful and thought intriguing to be found at Margaret Soltan's no-holds-barred, firebrand tinged blog about university life.

You can get your RDA of academic liars, cheats, and greedy frauds at University Diaries. All disciplines, plus athletics.
truffula, commenting at Historiann

Margaret Soltan at University Diaries blogs superbly and tirelessly about [university sports] corruption.

University Diaries. Hosted by Margaret Soltan, professor of English at George Washington University. Boy is she pissed — mostly about athletics and funding, the usual scandals — but also about distance learning and diploma mills. She likes poems too. And she sings.
Dissent: The Blog

[UD belittles] Mrs. Palin's degree in communications from the University of Idaho...
The Wall Street Journal

Professor Margaret Soltan, blogging at University Diaries... provide[s] an important voice that challenges the status quo.
Lee Skallerup Bessette, Inside Higher Education

[University Diaries offers] the kind of attention to detail in the use of language that makes reading worthwhile.
Sean Dorrance Kelly, Harvard University

Margaret Soltan's ire is a national treasure.
Roland Greene, Stanford University

The irrepressibly to-the-point Margaret Soltan...
Carlat Psychiatry Blog

Margaret Soltan, whose blog lords it over the rest of ours like a benevolent tyrant...
Perplexed with Narrow Passages

Margaret Soltan is no fan of college sports and her diatribes on the subject can be condescending and annoying. But she makes a good point here...
Outside the Beltway

From Margaret Soltan's excellent coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal comes this tip...
Money Law

University Diaries offers a long-running, focused, and extremely effective critique of the university as we know it.
Anthony Grafton, American Historical Association

The inimitable Margaret Soltan is, as usual, worth reading. ...
Medical Humanities Blog

I awake this morning to find that the excellent Margaret Soltan has linked here and thereby singlehandedly given [this blog] its heaviest traffic...
Ducks and Drakes

As Margaret Soltan, one of the best academic bloggers, points out, pressure is mounting ...
The Bitch Girls

Many of us bloggers worry that we don’t post enough to keep people’s interest: Margaret Soltan posts every day, and I more or less thought she was the gold standard.
Tenured Radical

University Diaries by Margaret Soltan is one of the best windows onto US university life that I know.
Mary Beard, A Don's Life

[University Diaries offers] a broad sense of what's going on in education today, framed by a passionate and knowledgeable reporter.
More magazine, Canada

If deity were an elected office, I would quit my job to get her on the ballot.
Notes of a Neophyte