Cocksucker Blues

One of the writers whose work Gerald Posner plagiarized showed up in the audience of a talk Posner recently gave at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden.

The plagiaree is not happy about having been plagiarized, and told Posner about it, as you can see in this film clip of the event.

If everyone Posner has plagiarized had showed up, they’d have had to turn away the rest of the audience. But it was apparently just this guy. And the guy’s wife:

[A]fter the reading, [the plagiaree’s wife] asked Posner[:] “Are we still going out for a drink to discuss this?” Posner exploded. His plastic face turned red: “Yeah, I’m a thieving cocksucker.” “Yes, you are a thieving cocksucker,” [she] replied. And then an elderly lady came running towards them: “This is a botanical garden. It’s a peaceful place. Can you please take it some place else?”

Germany Gets Its Own Kaavya Viswanathan

Remember her? Harvard undergrad who published a chick-lit novel at 19?

UD, who’s been around forever, blogged about her back in 2006.

Everyone got all excited about this woman until much of her novel turned out to have been plagiarized.

Now 17-year-old Helena Hegemann also turns out to have cut and pasted her amazing, scandalous, about-to-be-prize-winning novel.

No one ever seems surprised by these slews of Francoise Sagans. No one thinks it odd that people just learning to insert tampons can pen tomes of astounding maturity and darkness.

Just like BHL (Europe’s hoax-quotient is certainly high lately), Hegemann’s brazening it out, lecturing us on the difference between originality and authenticity, etc., etc.

She’ll be fine. Unlike Gerald Posner, she doesn’t work for a magazine that can fire her. She’s an independent agent. Plus, the whole point of Hegemann is what a bad girl she is. Plagiarism can only help.

Do That To Me One More Time…

… as the Captain and Tenille sing. Once is never enough… whoaaa…

Same thing when it comes to plagiarism, as you know if you read University Diaries, because she never stops telling you. Plagiarized articles are like roaches. Find one, and ten others will come scurrying out of the plagiarist’s past.

So it ever was, so it shall be … and so it is, Dear Reader, with Gerald Posner.

Last week, a reader tipped me to an instance of potential plagiarism by Gerald Posner in the Daily Beast, for which Posner is chief investigative reporter. After I called the plagiarism to the attention of Daily Beast Executive Editor Edward Felsenthal, the site deleted five pilfered sentences and added an editor’s note to explain the deletions and to apologize.

… But this isn’t the only example of Posner pinching copy without attribution. Slate reader Gregory Gelembuik and I have uncovered additional examples of plagiarism by Posner in the Daily Beast from the Texas Lawyer, a Miami Herald blog, a Miami Herald editorial, a Miami Herald article, and a health care journalism blog…

Jack Shafer at Slate has done what Jolisa Gracewood did with Witi Ihimaera’s work — he has simply Googled.

Posner has been suspended.

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