Northern Kentucky University: BUILDING WINNERS FOR LIFE

Here’s the photo I want you to have in mind as you read the following summary of the Scott Eaton story at Northern Kentucky University. I want you to see how dressed for success the guy is, how he’s doing the Number One thing that Joe Paterno’s statue does (did), how next to him on a presentation board there’s the slogan BUILDING WINNERS FOR LIFE rather than, say, STEALING FROM YOUR SCHOOL AND FUCKING EVERY FEMALE IN SIGHT. I want you to think about how many American universities, as they sport up, fervently embrace and abundantly pay and abundantly esteem douchebags like Scott Eaton.

Smiling sweet-smelling Scott Eaton who came to pathetic NKU knowing he couldn’t do anything for it but that it could do plenty for him, and immediately began his sex and money extravaganza.

He did it for years, too, and that’s onaccounta no one cared, no one understood, some people were being cut in on the deal, some people were too scared to speak up about The Athletic Director, etc.

Dumb, pathetic, desperate schools like Northern Kentucky University are sitting ducks, and their desperate athletic programs are set up to attract people like Scott Eaton, who know losers for life when they see them.

Northern Kentucky University: Guess they’re too busy with their exciting…

… transition to Division I (details here) to notice who they’re hiring. As chair of a department.

One of her students has complained to a dean, but, you know… it’s just an anonymous student… Fuck him. And the staff members who keep resigning? Ditto…


Glenn Reynolds means his modest proposal – abolish the Ivy League – in the same way Jonathan Swift meant his about eating the children of the poor.

But who cares? Those of us who want the obscene endowments of schools like Harvard Yale and Princeton seriously spent down will take our allies where we can. And UD thinks Reynolds is serious about these specific things:

We should eliminate the tax deductibility of contributions to schools having endowments in excess of $1 billion. At some point, as our president has said, you’ve made enough money. That won’t end all major donations to the Ivy League, but it will doubtless encourage donors to look at less wealthy and more deserving schools, such as Northern Kentucky University, recently deemed “more inspirational than Harvard” in the London Times Higher Education magazine.

We should require that all schools with endowments over $1 billion spend at least 10% of their endowment annually on student financial aid. That will make it easier for less wealthy students to attend elite institutions.

Ah! UD wondered why her referral log is showing a sudden intense interest in…

… Northern Kentucky University’s much-beloved athletic director, Scott Eaton. Ooh la la. Well, we already knew Scott was a bit of a rascal…a massively overpaid rascal… but … heck… you know, what AD isn’t? … But even with all the acclaim and money the desperate, pathetic, sports fans at would-be jock school NKU (jock school is pathetic enough; can there be anything more pathetic than would-be jock school?) threw at Eaton… w-a-all… lessee… (UD scratches her overalls in private places) seems like it jest wernt enuf. Hyuk! He done stole ’bout $350,000 and is going to jail for ten years. And people is kinda confused.

Many will wonder how Eaton could’ve gotten away with his theft for six full years, and had the former employee not come forward, it could’ve been even longer.

Jail will be especially challenging for Eaton, given his, er, needs.

An internal investigation determined that Eaton had “intimate, inappropriate relationships” with four university employees, including two he supervised, and a similar relationship with a student in a class he taught.

Hyuk. Is zat five? And that don’t count, you figure, all the rest which is too embarrassed to come forward.

Enjoy this photo from happier days. Read the chart behind him. And weep for schools like NKU, epicenters of the dumbest shit the American university has to offer.

Everyone’s talking about the two law professors who’ve been suing each other for seventeen years.

She’s at wild and wacky (background here: scroll down) Northern Kentucky University; he’s at the University of Cincinnati. Their notorious litigation seems to be about divorce, custody, blahblah; but UD asks you to note that she has a book.

It’s a self-published Christian tract about having been abused by her litigation-mate. (NKU seems happy to let her emblazon her university webpage with this vanity project.)

Of course the person she married is contributing to the disgusting outcome about which more and more judges are complaining; but she’s got a book to promote.

“As students, it is our right to know at least the basics of what happened to the university’s athletic director, who undoubtedly plays a huge role in student life on campus. We don’t need to know the nitty gritty or even names, but just something to ease students’ minds about what happened. Without that little bit of information, there is more chance for rumors to spread and grow at a rapid rate — and they have. The rumors are harsh and could quite possibly have an even more negative effect on the people closely involved.”

Big-time athletics always lifts the tone on campus. Northern Kentucky University students are currently focused on just what Athletic Director Scott Eaton did to make him hightail it out of town. The school will only say he’s been fired for ethics violations — and, I mean, fired immediately, with letters and lawyers and all…

So, as the student editorial I quote in my title suggests, it might be nice to know what’s going on, what manner of man the school hired and paid big bucks to not long ago. It goes without saying that a big part of Eaton’s job has involved lecturing students on morality… Leadership, teamwork, integrity, you know the drill.

So what’s up?

UD has covered stories of coach and AD miscreants for years, and she will share with you her guess on this one.

UD‘s gonna go with sex. She’s willing to throw some alcohol abuse into the mix, but she’s basically going to call this one as messing with the undergrads. The school claims it’s not financial; it also claims NKU won’t get in trouble with NCAA sanctions as a result of whatever Eaton did. That would seem to leave hanky-panky.

You got THAT right.

[Northern Kentucky University] professor Al Lipping, president of the Faculty Senate, said some faculty opposed the move to Division I, convinced that it would compromise academics.

“I’m not vehemently opposed or rah-rah for it, but I do know that in terms of American society, athletics is an integral part of society,” he said. “If you look at the majority of institutions in the country today, they usually got their notoriety and exposure through athletics.”

Every once in awhile, it’s good to look in on the dum-dum schools …

… just to see how they stay that way.

How does Northern Kentucky stay Northern Kentucky?

Well, it’s gonna move to Division 1 ’cause that’s where it’s at!

It’ll cost 3.5 million.

Of that $3.5 million, NKU estimated that $1.78 million would be from the general fund, which consists of tuition and state-funds.

[A spokesperson] said the funds would be raised over five years, beginning this year. The general fund is made up of tuition dollars and state funding.

He said the money will not be replaced, but is being shifted to Athletics. Eaton said the funds are earmarked for students but are now going to be earmarked for student athletes.

The university would take $646,000 from other university budgets, such as housing, dining services or already-existing scholarships, to be used for athletics.

New athletic department revenues are expected to reach $819,000 and would be brought in by tickets, sponsorships and donations.

I guarAHNtee you ticket sales are gonna be hot! Hell, we’re gonna make up all that money we took from the school and the students in seconds onaccounta how rich we’re gonna be once we’re Div 1! HOOOOWHEEEEEEEEEEE

Thy rod plus thy staff…

They comfort thee.

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