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Teehee. Love all the shit about how did he get a gun.

Lots of articles like this in the aftermath of the latest bloodbath. A notorious, dangerous, felon! How in the world….?

 I burst out laughing at you, and call your gun-availability question a silly thing!  (Paraphrasing Monty Python.) Little Chase no doubt lived in a house where everyone ate, slept, shaved, showered, beat off, and shit with guns. ‘Member the gun-glutted Murdaughs? Boy I say boy ain’t no one down in y’all and shut ma mouth land who ain’t stewing in guns every minute of every god damn day and you wanna know how a twenty year old psychotic with a violent record got a gun? How did he not get a gun? How in Florence KY do you avoid having a gun?

Margaret Soltan, July 11, 2024 10:57AM
Posted in: guns

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