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University Diaries
has covered chlamydia and colonoscopy poetry contests on this blog; now there’s one for migraines.

MyMigraineConnection.com and Teri Robert, patient advocate and Migraine expert on MyMigraineConnection.com, have kicked off their popular annual “Putting Our Heads Together” Poetry Contest. The contest, in its ninth year, seeks the most creative and influential pieces of poetry on how Migraine disease and/or headache disorders affect each entrant’s life.

Margaret Soltan, March 17, 2009 2:49PM
Posted in: kind of a little weird

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4 Responses to “MY BRAIN …”

  1. Christopher Vilmar Says:

    It was said that the time’s out of joint
    And, just maybe, that guy had a point.
    But when my head’s hurtin’
    I say one thing for certain,
    Namely, “Fuck the state of Denmark.”

  2. Tom Says:

    Hey, where’s the colonoscopy poetry? My first one is next Monday, and I want to be prepared!

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Well, I’ve only got a haiku to offer you, Tom (see comments to this post):


    But maybe if you follow the link to the article announcing the contest, you can find some more.

    Meanwhile, bottoms up.

  4. Tom Says:

    Ha! Bottoms up… I get it! And thanks for the link..

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