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UD’s Fellow Floridian Sherman Dorn…

… updates us on the good ol’ boys and their tricks at Northwest Florida State College.

Quick version: Same old same old. Public universities as ATMs for politicians, businessmen, and on-campus cronies of same.

Only new thing is these boys are going to jail.

UD also thanks Dennis for this update.

Some UD background here.

Margaret Soltan, April 18, 2009 2:44PM
Posted in: conflict of interest

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4 Responses to “UD’s Fellow Floridian Sherman Dorn…”

  1. Sherman Dorn Says:

    Thanks for the link, though I should note that despite your temporarily residing in the Conch Republic, Florida really IS supposed to follow American jurisprudence, with its insistence that people are not judged guilty before a trial… the presentment (or general jury report on the issue) is damning about the legislature’s budget process.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    I was just talking on the phone with Mr UD, who suggested that I share with you my theory of jurisprudence:

    If you are in a courtroom, you are certainly guilty either of the crime you’re there for, or some other crime. So you should be put away.

  3. theprofessor Says:

    Unfortunately, UD, there are just enough slacker police and win-at-all-costs prosecutors that you might want to temper that idea.

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Oh, tp – It’s a joke.

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