I’m a huge admirer of the SIUC newspaper, The Daily Egyptian. It’s not only well-written, it’s gutsy and ethical and knows exactly what SIUC has become.
… Board of Trustees Chairman Roger Tedrick has indirectly benefited from millions of dollars worth of construction contracts SIU has awarded — contracts that he voted to approve. Tedrick helped nearly 40 companies on university contracts find insurance to cover the work they would be doing. Tedrick voted “yes” on 20 of them — each of which weighed in at more than $250,000 — then found insurance for the successful bidder.
Between 2002 and 2006, Tedrick donated $26,000 to the Blagojevich campaign. Tedrick was appointed to the BOT in February of 2004.
… The Southern Illinoisan reported Sunday that SIU President Glenn Poshard’s son Dennis Poshard and Dennis’s company have received contracts from the university and from organizations affiliated with the university for $138,000.
Dennis Poshard’s company received a contract from his friend and neighbor, College of Business Dean Dennis Cradit, to make a promotional video for the college.
… President Poshard serves southern Illinois as a politician who understands the downstate area, but he shouldn’t be running the university like a patronage political machine.
… Now that SIU has Chicago’s attention, the Daily Egyptian appeals to Gov. Pat Quinn to stir up the university’s governing board. SIU is still rife with Blagojevich politics. There’s no telling how deep corruption could run at this university….
That last point’s the most important one. We know who the hacks are and how they think. The corruption almost certainly runs deeper than we know.
There’s a bright side to this. The Egyptian is well-positioned to win some serious journalism prizes. Unlike student journalists at clean schools, they’ve got a lot of dirt to write about.
April 27th, 2009 at 10:58AM
Kudos to the Daily Egyptian (and UD) for keeping the general public enlightened about the corruption at SIU. The powers-that-be seem to think they can spin their way out of every scandal. It’s fun to watch SIU squirm, though.
April 27th, 2009 at 11:55AM
Thanks, SIUC Guy.
April 27th, 2009 at 12:27PM
They have been awfully successful in the past, SIUC guy. When things get a little too hot, the Syndicate pulls a Paul Simon or Pat Quinn out of storage to create the appearance of rectitude and reform. Some small fry and the occasional big fish walk the plank, but it will soon be bidness as usual.