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University of Missouri Freshman Quarterback…

… makes a sextuple play.

Dalton was arrested on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance, minor in possession of alcohol, possession of false identification and three traffic charges, including a lane violation and failure to provide insurance.

Extra point: Comment from one of the article’s readers:

I mean, come on guys, look at players at Ohio State, or Florida. Players on those teams get arrested/suspended often.

Yes. Why pick on him? He’s just a freshman. He’s just getting started.

Margaret Soltan, May 3, 2009 2:10AM
Posted in: sport

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6 Responses to “University of Missouri Freshman Quarterback…”

  1. Cassandra Says:

    A random thought just popped into my head…

    How would people react if the athlete involved were a women’s basketball player?

    I think the potential difference in allowance for bad behavior speaks would speak volumes about a lot of issues.

  2. Polish Peter Says:

    Cassandra is probably correct in sggesting that there would be less tolerance for comparable bad behavior by women athletes, particularly given the different compositions of the fan/booster communities between men’s and women’s sports. But there are very few opportunities to test this hypothesis. I’ve advised and taught many women athletes over the last 30 years. Like most students who have been involved in professionalized youth athletics for most of their lives, they have their share of academic difficulties, but off the field they have a much better sense of belonging to a larger community beyond the athletic culture. When I was once involved with the administration of discipline (thankfully, not for about 15 years), I don’t recall reading the riot act to very many women athletes. My experience, although long, is narrow, being confined to Ivy schools (just a fact, hardly a boast), so it would be interesting to know whether this observation has wider validity.

  3. theprofessor Says:

    Let’s face the facts: most women simply don’t know how to raise hell. Pour a forty or two down the average coed and what happens? She gets all giggly, talkative, sick, and then passes out quietly, usually in that order. Yeah, they may hoot and holler, but usually only when guys are around to egg them on. The average 18-year-old male after a six-pack has more potential for dumb, obnoxious, destructive, and life-threatening ruckus than an entire sorority. Tales of my own quite mild ventures into youthful recklessness so alarmed Mrs. TP that I am strictly forbidden even to allude to these in the presence of offspring, especially Son #1, who has already demonstrated substantial talents in this area.

    What we need is a Title IX-A: The Equality of Stupidity Amendment. This will ensure that American young women get the training and resources they need to be competitive not only on the playing field, but in the barroom and back of the squad car too.

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    tp: LOL. It’s hard-wired, methinks. For some reason I also think of the very wise essay by Christopher Hitchens in Vanity Fair about why women aren’t funny and men are hilarious.


  5. Cassandra Says:

    Hmmm…have y’all never watched Cops?

    There’s a class issue at work here too.

    I suspect many of the people who have never seen violent and/or boisterous women have never witnessed it (either via TV or in person).

  6. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Good point, Cassandra. In fact I watch almost no tv. I’ve seen Cops once or twice, and it was always guys acting up. But I take your point. There’s a thriving – and growing – criminal class of women.

    Even so, a lot of those women aren’t boisterous. They’re prostitutes, junkies…

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